Amruttam Reiki Yoga

This is the first post here on the web.

I will post here mostly on the topics of Reiki and Yoga with the root and fundamentals to the most advanced research. 

so keep your eyes on my blog to discover some advanced researches in my field.

Be Enlighten and get your Amruttatva within.

With love,


6 thoughts on “Amruttam Reiki Yoga

  1. I have read your articles and gone through your website but nowhere any phone no or address has been given .I personally wants to visit your institute .Ill be thankfull if you can mail me your adress and phone no.THANKS


  2. Hello Shipraji,

    Here is the mobile numRber you can contact for learning reiki and Yoga and communicate further

    Bharat Mistry – +919825114382


  3. Very nice website =) Thank you so much for organizing all this material so well. =)

    So, I was curious about something. When we “classify people” according to four castes, we are of-course doing it according to their job responsibility. So – what happens when a Labor class person is, really, pretty philsophical? I’ve met many people who maybe in either clerical or labor positions but their own nature is pretty reflective, introspective, imaginative, etc.


    1. Rikita your question is interesting.Human being is very closed with Soul, Brahma or God. The people who clean by heart, & free with Raag(likeness) & Dwesh(dislikeness) & free from any human weaknesses than they are reflective,interospective, imeginative.The truth of life or blessings God is not depending on knowledge or knowledgeble peoples. It is secured for pure heatted peoples. Rather spiritual persons are not more literate people but they are full of faith, trust, Bhakti & so many other Sadgun.The door of God is open for all there is no castism or any different betwween any Jiv he may be human or animal or trees( vanaspati). I have see all this divine Sadgun in kitten(baby ket) also in my home.
      May God bless you.


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